Hmm, another subject on Cikampek- Cipularang toll? I really think there ought to be more info on this toll's public facilities. The more people know, the higher elevated of knowledge to enhance a trip's comfort and safety to go to Paris van Java.
There are more sign-boards these days telling the next two or three available rest areas on this Cikampek- Cipularang toll. Please, use this information, and prepare ahead where to stop. Hence, you are already at the most left portion of the road-lane by the time making a turn.
As km post indicates 88 kays, you are on certain elevation heights. And it keeps ascending further. This stop only provide petrol station and very few food stalls, no branded stalls. Here right in the centre of the picture depicts a foreground of a valley at a distance.
There are more struggling vehicles climbing. I should say more of flock of crawling cars and thus blocking other faster traffics. Please shift down to have more control of your car. And keep the rpm at your car's optimum torque, normally 3,000 revs is sufficient.
I don't think it is coincidental for having two rest areas on both sides of the road. Descending road should be taken cautiously, as there are s bends at its steepest parts. The landmark is there deliberately to ascertain sharp driving concentration.
Here is a scenic view with rows of mountains as the foreground looking from the other side landmark of Cikampek- Cipularang toll. I did manage to grab the glorious flag at its full length, after so many snaps amidst the high winds.
Have a safe drive and a nice trip! I hope my series of articles on this toll road could be useful indeed! Remember there are living souls of passengers we are carrying around, even for a mere living stocks.
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